I am religious. Did you know? If not, that is my fault and more's the pity. It's actually a big part of who I am. I am not loud about it. I don't think I need to be. I'm not a preacher. But sometimes I am a little too private.
The thing is -- the main thing -- is that I am so religious that I would wish anyone else the same right, the same privilege. Mutual respect requires -- yes -- mutual respect. That is, so long as the beliefs don't harm others. I don't generally go around announcing, "I am religious." But when it has come up in conversation and I say just that, I've surprised an interesting variety of responses. More than once, someone has commented, more or less, "I hope you are referring to your faith and not just religion." Well, yes and no. I happen to love my religion. There is no perfect religious institution on earth. My chosen one is Catholicism. I am a Catholic Christian. But that's not really addressing their concern. By that comment, they are expressing the worry that I might be more interested in rules/laws/traditions than about loving God and being a good person. Of course, I am not. God is my foundation. I am Catholic. Christ is my light, my teacher, my hope. So many have given up on faith. People struggle through their days and lives without giving God a passing thought. It is inconceivably sad. In my faith tradition/religion/belief system, I find love, peace, guidance, and goodness. I find joy and hope. I wish everyone as much. Why am I telling you this? So that you know me better -- and just in case you need to consider it for yourself. Prayer, meditation...even just a thought to begin. The times are trying, and faith is a wonderful gift, a miraculous comfort. Wishing you joy and peace.
A Little of This, a Little of ThatKeep me away from the wisdom that does not cry, the philosophy that does not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before children. – Gibran Khalil Gibran Archives
January 2025
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