A beautiful day! I’m looking forward to sitting out on the front porch and enjoying the weather. It is glorious!
I can only observe my garden right now. I’m not comfortable traveling on my scooter over a multitude of acorns, uneven sidewalks, and tree roots. I am hazardous just in our house. It sounds feeble, especially to me, but I’ve had a few close calls and I do NOT wish to prolong this particular sojourn. As for merely observing the garden, of course it’s frustrating. We’re approaching the middle of the best half of the year for gardening. I can only hope I will be able to spend a little time out there before the next surgery. I'm hugging that hope and it's a comfort. Hope always is! In the meantime, I can enjoy from a distance. It would not be a pleasure if I didn’t love the outdoors so much. But I relish the cool, refreshing temps and sunshine and take pleasure in watching garden variety wildlife. A week or so ago, there was a squirrel who appeared totally ready to launch himself at me. He sat glaring at me from the oak tree, pretty much shouting. It was a standoff that I won, but I must admit he had me wondering for a moment. I have yet to plant or sow cool season annuals. Well, except for nasturtiums, which are proliferating in a pot outside our bedroom window. I did not mean for them to stay in the pot. They need transplanting. Hmm…we shall see. In any case, some of our roses are blooming spectacularly and the vegetable garden appears to be thriving. Weeds aren’t too bad, which is certainly a temporary situation at best. But I’ll take it! And trees in our area are just now – quite reasonably – turning colors and dropping leaves. Our one young maple tree is a glorious gold. So much to enjoy. Praise the Lord of Creation! Wishing you a beautiful time in your garden!
Our GardenFor years, my husband and I worked at creating a series of gardens on our four-acre lot in a rural, Texas subdivision west of Houston. I have to say, it was a fantastic experience. Now, I have a pocket garden on a golf course. Archives
January 2025
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