A favorite occasion is nigh upon us! I love Valentine’s Day! But I’m not surprised that some people – many people – dislike or “hate” it. I have to give them their due. It’s not a religious holiday or even a patriotic one. It’s a hyped up, secular observation that was created by business owners. It encourages high expectations and, therefore, disappointments. The stance isn’t offensive, save perhaps to their significant others and, yes, to retailers. But what about St. Valentine? Let’s be honest. He isn’t the focus of this particular celebration. I, however, do see that a day dedicated to love could be counted as holy. All of our days should be so holy! I don’t see Valentine’s Day as a day to celebrate just eros, romantic love. I see it as a day to celebrate family and friends and everything that’s good in this world --just for the joy of it. Such a reminder should hurt none of us. But what if a person is alone? I realize that it can be much easier to say that “we’re never truly alone” than to feel it. My suggestion would be to go easy on yourself. Be nice. If you have a hankering for chocolates, buy yourself a heart-shaped box. Or flowers! These little extras are everywhere right now. Why not enjoy? And you have some good memories, don’t you? I like to remember people who’ve given me love in my life as well as the people I’ve had the privilege of loving. And what about nature, God’s gift to us, a gift of love? In these days of COVID, it’s especially good to love and appreciate your neighbor, your fellow humans. If you live in the city, observe the humanity you see on the sidewalks. It’s much less these days, isn’t it? Do you miss the crowds? Do you miss just being able to stand next to another human in line, at a bar, in your own home? I think, if you feel nostalgic over any of these situations, you have loved your fellow human beings. You might, on Valentine’s Day, consider an act of agape, of selfless love, of charity. Do a good deed. It could be something simple. Forgive someone. Forgive yourself. As for me, it's one more day to be grateful and another opportunity to love. My husband and I don’t usually exchange gifts. We might cook together, share a special meal, but usually we just seal a “Happy Valentine’s Day” greeting with a kiss and a smile. Not that I think giving gifts or tokens of love can't be wonderful. On the contrary. Celebrate in a way that makes you happy. In general, I thoroughly enjoy dousing loved ones with affection. Valentine's Day is the perfect excuse to indulge myself -- my gift to me! I love to rain candy and kisses on our little grandchildren. I send heart texts to many friends and loved ones regularly, so why not on Valentine's Day? And of course, I adore our children and our big family and love to remind them of the fact. But no one is saying that Valentine's Day is the ONLY day for love. Loving is not an annual event, and expressing love doesn’t have to be an extravagant, commercial affair. Far from it. There's not just one certain way to show love. But by all means, love. There can never, ever be too much. Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day -- a happy Valentine's Weekend -- in advance. And much love always.
2/13/2021 14:31:12
Love in all its forms is to be celebrated the world needs more there is never enough. Love a stranger you could find a friend.
2/13/2021 22:19:51
I completely agree! Thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing your thoughts. Happy Valentine's Day! :)
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